– The Chicago Cyclocross Cup is proud to announce and partner with our new and returning sponsors. We’re still looking for more sponsors of the series but a few organization are back again and we’ve signed up some partners whose names you ought to already know… Blue Competition Cycles, Cyclocross Magazine, Deuter, EJ’s Place, Main Street Bicycles, Planet Bike, The Pony Shop, SRAM, and Village Cyclesport. Please let these sponsors know how much you appreciate their support! If you, your company, best friend, dog, etc would like to be more involved and help the CCC in 2009… please contact us ASAP at [email protected].

– More preseason CX action Sunday August 23rd.

– We recently gave the new website another make over. Tells us what you think in the comments section below. What else would you like to see? What works for you? What doesn’t?

– We know that with the summer road season winding down many of you are starting to build up your CX rigs. Have pix? Send us the links and we’ll post them on the media section of the site so all of your competitors can ooohh and aaahh at your new steed.

– Last Thursday about 20 or so of us gathered at the Well-Fit training center to talk about ‘cross. For those that missed it we ย hope to find some pix at some point… but several new CX’ers walked away with some nice, nice door prizes… like a new Javelin CX Frame, a helmet, a Well-Fit thermal jacket, and bike tunes and fittings from Get-A-Grip Cycles. Yeah, you’re sad you missed it aren’t you?

– Jackson Park is roughly one month away… are you ready? Have questions? Send them to [email protected] and we’ll get you ready.