Tuesday CCC Updates
Very, very, very important announcement!
– If you missed our post on Sunday, the CCC schedule is changing starting this week at Dan Ryan Woods. The updated race schedule can also be found on the schedule page. The 40+ & 50+ masters need to be there a little earlier while everyone else starts a little later… but get there early anyway and bring your cowbells!
– We’re happy to announce 3 new sponsors to the CCC series… all of them bike shops.
- Yojimbo’s Garage on Clybourn Ave in the city is back again and supplying CX frames for the free raffle (fill out a raffle ticket at registration at each race).
- MOX Multisport also in the city on Randolph St will be supplying schwag and merchandise prizes for the series.
- Spin Doctor Cyclewerks in Bartlett will be helping out the series with much needed cash to help buy things to put in your way and make you jump over.
The CCC is still looking for series sponsors, so email us at [email protected] if you’d like to be involved.
– The CCC’s newest race in the Dan Ryan Woods takes place this coming Sunday. Beverly Bike-Vee Pak has put together a great course and will have some great food as well. Hopefully the Half Acre crew is recovered from this past weekend’s Dekalb race and shows up so we all have something to drink! ; ) However, please remember to respect the park and its neighbors so we can come back next year.
– Please also remember the Chicago Marathon is happening this weekend. Traffic on the roads is likely to be quite heavy due to detours and such… so please, please give yourselves plenty of time to get to the race… which is on the South Side at Western and 87th. Maps and directions are here.
– Everyone’s favorite new race from last year is back! That’s right, after many, many meetings with the parks district and a boatload of fantastic work by Chris Henning and the Garner Northbrook Cycling Club, the Northbrook venue has finally been approved. The course will be very different from last year, but we’ll at least have the race. Look for more details on the way and online pre-reg to open soon.
Speaking of favorite courses… from everything we’ve heard North Central Cyclery and Half Acre put on a fantastic race in Dekalb’s Hopkins Park this past weekend. Big thanks to everyone who helped put this 2nd year race together that attracted 358 racers! That’s only 40 shy of Jackson Park!
– CCC Overall Standings are posted here. Remember these are overall series standings and NOT placings from one individual race. See how the series is scored here. Team standings will be updated later this week.
– CCC series sponsor CX Magazine is having a race report writing contest. Check it out here.
– Finally… did we mention the race day schedule is changing? Make sure you’re there on time for your race!