Tuesday CCC Updates
– Another big thanks to Jeff Provisor, North Branch Cycling, and Main Street Bicycles for putting on another great Carpentersville race. The new pump/rhythm section was a hit, as was the timeless sand and toilet bowl. The spectators were out in full force as well. In addition to the now traditional dollar handups, we saw hotdogs/snickers/butterfingers and sliders! We can’t wait to see what you all think of next (just keep it clean please)!
– Up next… Bartlett/Sunrise Park hosted by Athlete’s By Design (ABD). Hopefully we won’t have 30 mph winds like last year… but race promoter Jim Nowak always seems to have something tricky up his sleeve. We know a few of you are heading down to Louisville to eat some Papa John’s Pizza… but if you’re not into driving 4.5 hours one way for a 40 minute race… come on out to Barlett. Look for the usual Friday race preview on, well… Friday.
– Online pre-reg is now open for Northbrook here. Big thanks again to promoter Chris Henning, Garner Northbrook Bike Club, and Flatlandia for bringing back this great race venue. Chris reminds us all that we must only park in legally marked spaces and do NOT park in the main park parking lot or we won’t be able to race at the Northbrook venue again. Watch for details closer to the race day for parking specifics.
– Are there extra bikes or scooters in your garage that you have outgrown? Would you like to donate them to kids who don’t have a bike or a scooter? The Jane Addams Hull House Association in Chicago will also be at the Northbrook race accepting donations. These bikes are being collected to reward kids for doing well in school and to recognize students’ commitment and achievements in school. Many of these kids have never owned a bike. Think about how much fun you have (just on your CX bike for 45 minutes once a week) and help bring a little sunshine into a kid’s life! Find more details at www.gopedalpower.com.
– Lots more details to come about the Hilton Indian Lakes race… but here’s a teaser… Room rates $79. Up to 5 people can stay in one room at no extra charge. Roll away beds provided at no extra charge. Stay Friday night or Saturday night… or the whole weekend! Indoor locker room. Change in the warmth. Take a shower after your race. All day, all you can eat buffet. More to come, so watch the site.
– Wanna race on the cheap? Dr. James Kearns, promoter of the Woodstock race, needs some helping setting up his course. The good Doctor will let anyone who shows up at 7am on Sunday November 22nd and helps set up the course race for $10 all day. If you’re interested and can commit to being there on time and helping, please email the Doctor your email address and mobile # at [email protected].
– Good news all around for the Chicago Cuttin’ Crew. First, a very belated congratulations to Avi Neurohr who is the first ever Officially Unofficial Illinois State Cyclocross Single Speed Champion. See details on the Half Acre site here. Thanks again to HAC and Tobie at North Central Cyclery for hosting the special event at the Dekalb race. Second, after a minor major tragedy that led to the quietest ever CX race at Dan Ryan Woods, the Cuttin’ Cruser is back in action. We’re glad to hear she’s okay, was back at Carpentersville, and we all look forward to more action from the ‘crew.
– Join Cycle Smithy Johnny Sprockets on their Zombie Bike Ride. Wednesday 10/28/09 at 3030 Broadway, Big empty lot.
– Local “pro” Ben Popper shares some of the behind the scenes antics of a CX race in CX Magazine.
– Red Bull is having a photo contest. Check it out here and the rules here. Let’s see if we can get some CCC pix in there!
– Speaking of contests… CX Magazine is having another Race Report Contest. See it here.
– They’re not from the MidWest, but Recycled Bike Art has some nifty cycling related nick-nacks. Check them out at www.recycledbikeart.com.
– And finally, don’t forget submissions for the 2009 CCC t-shirt contest are due no later than midnight this coming Saturday 10/24/09.