Shout out to the guy who gave up his 2nd row starting spot in the 4/5s for a guy who podium’d in the 4’s. He appeared to be a young man with a very good head on his shoulders. Always good to see young sportsman like this.
That rider didn’t make the rules. It’s a 4/5 race; he’s a 4; yes he should have been in there. 5s upgrade by finishing mass start races, 4s upgrade by finishing in the front. The 4/5 race is a good way for both to meet their upgrade requirements.
I say chapeau to the guy who showed some good sportsmanship. Lord knows we could use as much of that spirit as we can find these days.
Let’s tread cautiously with sandbagger accusations. Starting with me. Two weeks in a row, I have joked with our women category 3 winner (different lady) during the podiums. This was meant as a type of praise, but unfortunately did not come across as such.
I apologize to Ms K and Ms W, and will formally state this (apology, NOT rude accusations) at the upcoming women category 3 podium at Dan Ryan Woods.
Now as for the men. Lets reserve sandbagging claims for when someone wins ten races in a row by a minute each week, AND there’s prize money at stake. This rider won in a close race, received shredded currency and will probably upgrade when he is ready. That seems fair.
Keep in mind that the young man who did real well in the beginners two years ago won a bicycle race in Poland this Sunday. And three or four of the guys who were the best in the entry category are now at the front of the 3’s.
We don’t have a sandbagging problem in my humble opinion.
We develop riders. We develop cyclists. We are developing hundreds of really good cyclocross racers. And we have fun at almost every turn. The weekly road show is the ENVY of the nation. We cheer for young juniors and entry level women. We are in awe of smashing elite performances in women, men, single speed, and masters EVERY time. Did anybody see how cool Kiddie Cross was at #HopkinsCX? Beyond words.
We do handups that World Champions from Belgium come here to take part in! We even good heckle at a 10 to 1 ratio of bad heckles. Long live ChiCrossCup!
Thank you for saying this, Kenny. I like your attitude. Positive vibes are what keep people showing up. And people are what makes this series so great.
Not to belabor or even extend the discussion … and maybe I misunderstand what happened, but I don’t know that it is at all appropriate for a rider to give his spot (earned by Series points or CrossResults) to whomever he deems deserving of the spot. wouldn’t series / the promoters / and USA Cycling be the appropriate groups to change the preliminary staging?
We are all on the side of good sportsmanship and we see it in spades in the CCC Series at all levels. Credit to Jason and all Series leadership/ administrators as well as the Promoters, Teams and Participants.
Just a note that the guy who gave up his 1st row spot wound up in the 2nd row, so he did okay. It was more of a communication mistake on the part of the officials.
The guy who received the late 1st row start (finished on the podium in cat 4 and subsequently won the 4/5 race) DID cat up the next week and finished in the top ten in the cat 3 at Dan Ryan.
I would argue that there isn’t too much of an upgrade problem among the CAT 4’s at the CHI series AND hopping back in for the 4/5 race isn’t exactly easy. If you’re that good, you can only do it a couple times before you have 15 upgrade points.
The course: Runs clockwise. Plenty of flow with not a ton of changes from years past… with the notable exception that the CCC’s original flyover is gone and moved on to greener pastures (read: Michigan).
Good race this year! I liked the course more compared to the other years I have done the race. It was a lot of fun.
One of the reasons I like to come down and race CCC races is the excellent coverage post race. This year I have not seen any coverage of the races on news sites (cx magazine, etc). It would be great to see the race covered more in the cycling media. Like wise, I haven’t seen any photos from the race.
We used to submit race reports to CX Magazine but for some reason they stopped posting our write-ups last year. Unfortunately all of the other cycling sites (VN, Pez, CyclingTips) only post reports from national/pro races. We run with a lean crew so post race reports are not a priority for us.
We have great photographers that work with the series (Snowy Mountain, Tipping Point) but they have real jobs too to pay for all their fancy gear. Everyone including riders themselves, parents, and sponsors love to see pics after the race, but sometimes the free photos are delayed.
Hey I lost my wallet! If you find it please email me using the attached email address.
Here’s the Cat 4 race, including a brief glimpse of the massive start pileup.
Masters 35+
Masters 45+
Jason, Thanks for ordering Leaders Jerseys in a very comfy XL this year.
Men’s Cat 4 from the top 15
Thanks for the great race!
I found a trainer wheel near the Verdigris Tent / Shasta Camper. It’s in the CCC trailer.
Thanks Peter. I think that is mine if it was a dtswiss wheel. Too much gear to keep track of!
Did anyone find a medium children’s black jacket by the kid’s race course? It says “ready, set, go” on the back.
Shout out to the guy who gave up his 2nd row starting spot in the 4/5s for a guy who podium’d in the 4’s. He appeared to be a young man with a very good head on his shoulders. Always good to see young sportsman like this.
Should a guy who was on the podium in Cat 4 really be in a beginner race? Why don’t we leave 4/5 as a beginner category?
That rider didn’t make the rules. It’s a 4/5 race; he’s a 4; yes he should have been in there. 5s upgrade by finishing mass start races, 4s upgrade by finishing in the front. The 4/5 race is a good way for both to meet their upgrade requirements.
I say chapeau to the guy who showed some good sportsmanship. Lord knows we could use as much of that spirit as we can find these days.
Let’s tread cautiously with sandbagger accusations. Starting with me. Two weeks in a row, I have joked with our women category 3 winner (different lady) during the podiums. This was meant as a type of praise, but unfortunately did not come across as such.
I apologize to Ms K and Ms W, and will formally state this (apology, NOT rude accusations) at the upcoming women category 3 podium at Dan Ryan Woods.
Now as for the men. Lets reserve sandbagging claims for when someone wins ten races in a row by a minute each week, AND there’s prize money at stake. This rider won in a close race, received shredded currency and will probably upgrade when he is ready. That seems fair.
Keep in mind that the young man who did real well in the beginners two years ago won a bicycle race in Poland this Sunday. And three or four of the guys who were the best in the entry category are now at the front of the 3’s.
We don’t have a sandbagging problem in my humble opinion.
We develop riders. We develop cyclists. We are developing hundreds of really good cyclocross racers. And we have fun at almost every turn. The weekly road show is the ENVY of the nation. We cheer for young juniors and entry level women. We are in awe of smashing elite performances in women, men, single speed, and masters EVERY time. Did anybody see how cool Kiddie Cross was at #HopkinsCX? Beyond words.
We do handups that World Champions from Belgium come here to take part in! We even good heckle at a 10 to 1 ratio of bad heckles. Long live ChiCrossCup!
Thank you for saying this, Kenny. I like your attitude. Positive vibes are what keep people showing up. And people are what makes this series so great.
Not to belabor or even extend the discussion … and maybe I misunderstand what happened, but I don’t know that it is at all appropriate for a rider to give his spot (earned by Series points or CrossResults) to whomever he deems deserving of the spot. wouldn’t series / the promoters / and USA Cycling be the appropriate groups to change the preliminary staging?
We are all on the side of good sportsmanship and we see it in spades in the CCC Series at all levels. Credit to Jason and all Series leadership/ administrators as well as the Promoters, Teams and Participants.
This makes me wonder who has less sense Joe … you or the person you suggest has a good head on his shoulders?
I don’t disagree with you at all, but I still found it honorable for that kid to step up and give the guy his spot. You guys are missing the point.
I don’t know the full circumstance so you are probably correct
People noalrlmy pay me for this and you are giving it away!
Just a note that the guy who gave up his 1st row spot wound up in the 2nd row, so he did okay. It was more of a communication mistake on the part of the officials.
The guy who received the late 1st row start (finished on the podium in cat 4 and subsequently won the 4/5 race) DID cat up the next week and finished in the top ten in the cat 3 at Dan Ryan.
I would argue that there isn’t too much of an upgrade problem among the CAT 4’s at the CHI series AND hopping back in for the 4/5 race isn’t exactly easy. If you’re that good, you can only do it a couple times before you have 15 upgrade points.
Mayhem in the Junior start:
Masters 45+ going from 1st to 17th.
Some pics from Masters, Single Speed, and Women 4 . . . not in any particular order.
We found a red floor pump left behind after the race. Come see us at the Pony Shop Juniors tent to pick it up.
Red Specialized? I always leave that thing behind.
Men’s Cat 3 race, with a good view of the starting crash
Thanks Comrade Cycles & friends for a really fun time in DeKalb!!
Out of curiosity, why was there no flyover this year? That’s been a signature part of the race. It was still a good race, but just curious?
The course: Runs clockwise. Plenty of flow with not a ton of changes from years past… with the notable exception that the CCC’s original flyover is gone and moved on to greener pastures (read: Michigan).
Good race this year! I liked the course more compared to the other years I have done the race. It was a lot of fun.
One of the reasons I like to come down and race CCC races is the excellent coverage post race. This year I have not seen any coverage of the races on news sites (cx magazine, etc). It would be great to see the race covered more in the cycling media. Like wise, I haven’t seen any photos from the race.
Congrats on your win.
We used to submit race reports to CX Magazine but for some reason they stopped posting our write-ups last year. Unfortunately all of the other cycling sites (VN, Pez, CyclingTips) only post reports from national/pro races. We run with a lean crew so post race reports are not a priority for us.
We have great photographers that work with the series (Snowy Mountain, Tipping Point) but they have real jobs too to pay for all their fancy gear. Everyone including riders themselves, parents, and sponsors love to see pics after the race, but sometimes the free photos are delayed.
Thanks for racing!