CCC Tuesday Updates – 20180911
September 11, 2018
- A big, big, big thanks to Josh Arends and the entire Comrade Cycles crew for hosting our first race of the series out at Hopkins Park. The weather was absolutely CX perfect and it was great to see everyone racing the track. Links to all the results are here.
- Also, many apologies to the Women Cat 4/5. You were supposed to start in front of the Junior 9-14’s. That’s a snafu totally on us. We’ll get it right at Caldwell Woods and going forward. Again, we’re sorry for the mix-up.
- Next up, xXx Racing hosts Caldwell Woods on the NW side of the city.
- Also this week:
- The Wicker Park Trek Store is hosting a A Night with Sven Nys on
ThursdaySaturday at 7pm. - And xXx Racing is hosting the Sven-nado clinic with Sven Nys and Sven
- The Wicker Park Trek Store is hosting a A Night with Sven Nys on
- Just a reminder that while we do have access to who is applying for and getting category upgrades, we can’t always keep up with everyone, so please shoot us an email if you earn an upgrade so 1/2 your points can go with you to the next category.
- And, if you race on a One Day license and then get an annual USAC license let us know that too so you will be staged properly at the next race. Otherwise you may be at the back.
- Which is also a reminder, please always check the preliminary staging sheets to make sure your CCC series points and points flow through properly. We make plenty of mistakes but want to make sure you are staged properly and have a fun race. Its a whole lot easier to correct those things on Friday or Saturday then on the start line on Sunday.
- Team names – We match all USAC annual licenses to the USAC rider database, meaning, if you have an annual license we grab your CX team name from there, NOT from BikeReg. So please make sure you have your CX team and/or club name correct with USAC. Thanks!
- Next week up at the Trek CX Cup join Maria Larkin and a bunch of other local rad ladies at the Junior Girls Clinic p/b Parktool.
- Date 9/21/2018 (Friday of Trek Cx Cup)
- Location: Trek Cx Cup, Waterloo, Wisconsin
- Time: 6pm
- Instructors: Katie Compton, Kaitie Keough
- Open to girls aged 9-18.
- You’ll be doing some basic instruction and riding the juniors course with the Ka(i)ties.
- Helmets are required, cross bikes preferred but mountain bikes with knobby tires are welcome.
- As usual there will be pizza/snacks available post ride. Please contact Maria with any dietary restrictions.
- Registration is here; https://legacy. and there are 8 spots left.1759
The week after next the CX (Eliminator) hosted by Half Acre Cycling will be at Big Marsh on Saturday 9/29/18 . Online pre-reg is, where else, over on BikeReg (
eliminator ). HAC plans to have a food truck, Specialized demo rig, and some prizes for those stepping up. - And finally… We have a new photographer snapping pics at races this year. Check our Robert Clark‘s galleries over at If you see a good photo of yourself or someone you know consider throwing a little scratch Robert’s way and if so please make sure to give Robert credit for the photo. Once SnowyMountain recovers from their summer we’re sure they will be out at the races as well. We saw lots of other cameras out at Hopkins Park too, so please share your photos/videos with links in the weekend posts, like this one!
Actually the start of the women 4/5 and juniors is on me. I started as such, Steve F chief ref.
We had the race category start order correct here on the CCC website and on BikeReg, but somehow we still messed it up on the official USAC flyer. Again, our apologies to everyone.
By a few different measures the 9-14’s M/W are faster than the cat 4/5 Women. Going by the one 2 go data, 9-14’s had 8 racers faster than the fastest cat 4/5 women and the 18th place woman ( the last one to make the 3 lap cut) was 1:55 seconds slower than the 18th place 9-14 M/W.
These two groups need to occupy the same time slot but it is not really a “mistake “ to put the 9-14’s ahead of the 4/5 women if we are looking at this in all fairness with respect to speed. My suggestion would be to alternate the starts through the season.
The mistake was that we as the series were not clear in making sure all of our public documents were correct. Last year the series and race directors decided on the schedule order and we messed that up on Sunday.
We appreciate your ideas Sean, but alternating starts throughout the season would create inconsistencies and cause confusion, and we’re all about being consistent and not creating confusion. ; )
Noteworthy that the winner of the Category 4 and the Category 4/5 both came from WAY back in the field. Many ride to a race. That’s so euro pro. But it’s noteworthy for Hopkins because of the distance and when two of our three pro women on the podium ride to and or from the race. Including one from the city. #RacingTrainingDouble. Lots of new faces, lots of growth in many smaller teams throughout the categories. Great to see Dan Teaters again. Goldenrod from Nebraska made the trip. Jeremy won, which I saw one year ago when I did 85 miles with him, and pulled once. Fitzgerald graduated to the seniors having never won in the juniors, and he won. Impressive. Carlos showed some incredible Road form, and did the double. Sydney raced smart, strong, and bided her time until the moment to strike out alone. Showing that her national title two years ago demands respect with some of the best riders ever assembled at a CCC women’s race. Pro gravel and pro road were on her podium, while many who win anywhere else, were left behind. The racing throughout every single category Sunday was impressive, inspiring, and entertaining! To those few that got banged up, please heal fast. The pictures and videos are good. The cycling club community in Chicago is the best in the world.
Just a heads up, I think the night with Sven is on Saturday the 15th not Thursday unless there are two nights with Sven.
That is correct. Wow, we can’t get out of our own way this week. Thanks for the correction.
We ran juniors first for three weeks last year. The hills of Dan Ryan exposed the slowness of the eight and nine year olds. On flatter courses it’s not SO pronounced. We switched to women first at Woodland/Carpenter, and I forget if it was last year or the year before, but first and second for both categories (four racers) were all in the finish stretch together. So to be clear, the overlap is there.
I am opinion neutral, and think we are fine either way. The protocol for the rest of the season has been decided.
I just want to remind everybody, that unless you are riding at the front at Worlds, one should never expect a clear course of traffic. Learning how to overtake riders politely and safely, as well as how to be passed respectfully are skills every single rider in our series should have in their toolbox.
Wishing everybody good luck at Caldwell!