CCC Tuesday Updates – 20181113
November 13, 2018
- Thanks to everyone who came out to race, cheer, and eat candy at a chilly yet sunny Wheeling Heritage CX. Links to all the results you’re looking for are at the bottom of the page here.
- Next up the CCC heads to Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL for the series’ only double race day weekend hosted by the South Chicago Wheelmen. There are 2 separate event pages on BikeReg (Saturday & Sunday), so please make sure you sign up for the correct day if you aren’t racing both days (although we’re not sure why you wouldn’t just race both days?!!?!). Online pre-reg will close at the regular time Thursday evening. Look for the course preview here on Thursday morning.
- If you’re planning to spend the night at Pheasant Run Resort, there are discounted room rates of $92 per night. Call Pheasant Run at 630-584-6330 and use code “cyclocross”.
- Also at PRR. We’re a little short staffed this Saturday and need help taking podium pictures for Twitter. If you have a mobile phone with a camera and can help out, please email us your podium pictures as soon as you take them. Thanks!
- There are only 3 races left in this year’s series, but still no one in any category has locked up their overall titles. That means the racing will be fast and exciting all the way until the State Championship at Montrose Harbor.
- Speaking of Montrose, the host club Spidermonkey Cycling just announced our friends over at the Rapha Chicago Clubhouse will be sponsoring the event and having a pre-race soiree at the clubhouse. Look for more details to come.
- If you’re not traveling for Thanksgiving, our friends just over the Indiana border are hosting Region Riot CX on 11/25/18 in Crown Point, IN. Details for USA Cycling’s CX National Championships in Louisville, KY are updated, and the Afterglow hosted by the Chicago Cuttin’ Crew is happening Sunday 12/9/18. Links to all these events and more are over on our Schedule page.
- And finally… another reminder the 2nd annual Women’s Networking Event hosted by UPB Juniors will be held Saturday 11/17/18 at 2:15pm in the UPB tent at Pheasant Run Resort. As part of this event, UPB will also hold the Ultimate Pro Racer Raffle to benefit a Women Cat 3/4/5 at Montrose. Proceeds will go towards the 2019 Juniors CX Camp. The raffle tickets will be on sale 9a – 12pm Saturday and Sunday as well as during the networking event. Warm drinks and treats at 2:15 pm on that Saturday. All women racers are welcome to come and visit. UPB’s juniors are hosting and will be mingling.
Anyone know if there’s a ChiCrossCup discount for staying at Pheasant Run Resort?
Discounted room rate: $92 per night. Call Pheasant Run at 630-584-6330 and use code “cyclocross”.
Done! Thanks
Enjoy photos from #8
Any kids races planned for the Pheasant Run Resort weekend?