CCC Tuesday Updates – 20181120
November 20, 2018
- Grandpa always said, when life gives you lemons, make orange juice… or something like that. Without a ton of terrain to work with at Pheasant Run the South Chicago Wheelmen built a fun course and along with a “helping hand” from mother nature the weekend turned out to be one of the hardest of this year’s series. Thanks to everyone who came out to race and see the spectacle. Links to all the results you’re looking for are at the bottom of the page here.
- In the Overall Series Standings GoogleSheet riders in yellow have already secured their overall series titles by accumulating enough series points so they are >60 points ahead of the next placed rider, making it mathematically impossible to be caught. That being said, many categories are very, very, very, very close going into the final race, in some case less than 5 points separates the top 3 riders! So Montrose should be just as exciting as ever!
- But before we get to the last race, the series takes a quick pause to give thanks and spend some quality family time with the people we may or may not have seen since early September. So no matter how you celebrate Thanksgiving, please enjoy this coming weekend off the bike.
- If you’re in town and still want to keep the racing edge sharp, our Region Racing friends just over the border in Indiana are hosting Region Riot Cross on Sunday. Online pre-reg closes Friday.
- And then the week after the CCC returns and finishes up with 2018 Illinois State CX Championships presented by Rapha at Montrose Harbor in downtown Chicago. Plenty of details to discuss, but we’ll get to those next week. If you want brush up see the static race page here.
- Please RSVP for the Rapha number pickup party the day before the Illinois State Championship p/b Rapha Chicago and come to the race with your number already pinned! There will also beer beer and food, as well as 25% off the store for all pre-registered riders.
- Also for Montrose, there are still some paid parking spots available right next to the start and finish areas. Close parking is somewhat limited at this venue and with the possible weather conditions, being close to the start and finish, before and after your race is nice. Guarantee this spot will be available at any time. Purchase spots on BikeReg when you register. Larger teams can purchase multiple spots for trailers, RVs, etc … by contacting Spidermonkey Cycling directly.
- And finally… Just a quick comment about poorly positioned bib numbers and long hair obscuring bib numbers. If One2Go and the USAC officials can’t see your number, at best it disrupts scoring and makes generating results longer, and at worst you don’t get scored and may get fined real, actual money. Please, please, please follow the example of a properly pinned number in One2Go’s pre-race email and please make sure to put that long hair in a pony tail. Thanks!!!
Paid close parking, that’s an innovative idea. Maybe the other venues will pick up on this for next year. While we’re at it maybe some premium location porta-potties for 50c a pop.