CCC Tuesday Updates – 20170919
September 19, 2017
- Congrats to everyone who raced at Jingle Cross in IA over the weekend. Lots of great results by CCC’ers.
- Tonight, Tuesday 9/19/17 at 6:30pm, Bill Schieken of “In the CX Hairs” will be at the Rapha Chicago Clubhouse for a live podcast . Details are here, please RSVP.
- Tomorrow, Wednesday 9/20/17 Cross Vegas will be held for the last time in fabulous Las Vegas before moving to Reno next year.
- This weekend is the Trek CXC Cup and World Cup event in Waterloo, WI at Trek HQ.
- The CCC series returns to its regularly scheduled time and place on Sunday 10/1/17 at Hopkins Park in Dekalb, IL hosted by Comrades Cycles.
- Thanks to SuperGirl for the reminder. If you use the USA Cycling App on your iPhone, it currently won’t work if you upgrade to iOS 11. So take a screenshot of your license or wait to upgrade to the new iOS 11 until USAC’s app is approved and updated by Apple.
- And finally… we’ll be into the thick of CX season before you know it, so get those bikes tuned up at your local shop, have spare parts ready, keep up your fitness, sharpen those skills, and remember to say thanks to all of your supporters at home and at the races. See you all soon!
I’m sure everyone got this, but it’s the kind of thing that’s easy to put off then forget.
Apple is launching its new iOS today, and it is no longer compatible with our old iPhone app. We have been working on a new app. The app is being reviewed as part of Apple’s approval process and we will update you as soon as it is approved. If you were planning on using your digital license on your phone at an upcoming race, please either screenshot your license now, or wait to upgrade to the new iOS until our new app comes out.
We apologize for any inconvenience around this and will update you as soon as our new app is approved.
Thanks SuperGirl. Just updated the post to remind everyone.