- The CCC heads to Bartlett for ABD Sunrise Park hosted by Athletes By Design (ABD).
- #ABDcx
- Preliminary staging will be posted here Saturday morning. Please check your staging on Saturday, not Sunday morning. Thanks!
- Pre-reg on BikeReg closes Friday night.
- PLEASE no parking on grass.
- Parking on Foster Ave is usually allowed but on NORTH side only. There should be “No Parking” signs along the park (south) side. If not, please respect this. Also Parking is allowed on Struckman Blvd (better option), or at Sycamore Trails School (preferred).
- No alcohol. Sorry Park rules.
- Weather forecast looks good but it will be chilly in the morning and we’ve had a lot of rain this week, so bundle up and come prepared. Also, please remember to collect your clothing from the staging grid after your race… the lost and found bin is only so large!