2017 Pheasant Run Resort Preview
A new venue to the series this year Pheasant Run Resort (#PRRcx) is hosted by no strangers to the local year round cycling scene, the South Chicago Wheelmen, one of the region’s and country’s oldest cycling clubs. Please bear with us and the SCW as we figure out the new layout. As always, any constructive criticism is welcomed and appreciated. A few notes for the weekend.
- This event is NOT at Indian Lakes where it has been for the last several years. It is now at Pheasant Run Resort located at 4051 E Main St. Saint Charles, IL 60174.
- The SCW have extended online pre-reg on BikeReg until this evening, so no excuses if you miss the cutoff.
- Preliminary staging for Saturday only will be posted here Friday morning.
- Saturday Results will affect Sunday staging. Preliminary Sunday staging will be posted here early Sunday morning. Please pay attention.
- Registration will be in Gallery Hall.
- New bib numbers each day. Please do NOT where your Saturday number on Sunday.
- Vending / concessions will also be in Gallery Hall.
- NO grills please, PRR has a restaurant and there are several others (ahem, Culver’s!) nearby. PRR has also asked us not to bring outside food or drink to the course or into the hotel. We’re not sure if they have gluten free organic free-range tofurkey energy bars, at the concession stand, so please be discreet if you’re bringing something. PRR has also asked for no coolers, but we obviously need Gatorade and Recover drinks.
- NO walking or riding on putting greens or tee boxes. This is standard at any golf course CX event.
- NO warming up on fairways.
- After your race, if you’re staying at the hotel, please please please do NOT wash your bike in your room (duh). The forecast is dry, but if needed a hose will be set up on the West side of Gallery Hall. Bring your own rags/towels.
- For guests staying overnight, checkout is at 11am on Sunday. Late checkout is available for an extra $25.
- Parking will be limited, satellite parking will be west across the street by Target (Kautz Road).
- The SCW will be raffling off a set of Rolf wheels to benefit a cyclist who suffers from a brain disability. Rolf primo, disc or cantilever compatible, clinchers. $5.00 per ticket, 5 tickets for $20.00. Drawing held Sunday after the 1/2/3 race.
- Don’t forget the Ultimate PB&J Women’s Event Saturday afternoon in the Ultimate Pro Bikes tent.
- There will be even less daylight left than last week after the last race ends, so please plan accordingly. Also if you can, please help the South Chicago Wheelmen and the Northbrook Cycling Club tear down the course so they aren’t doing it all in the dark.
- Sorry, no kids races this weekend.
- The Course: Still a work in progress but should follow approximately the track below. The start and finish are both on pavement.
Categories: Course Preview
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