Just a few updates for your post-humpday, snowy morning internets reading.
– Did we mention anything about the CCC awards banquet this Sunday at EJ’s Place? Tickets are on sale through midnight tonight, but we’ll still be letting people in at the door. However, please help us out and pre-purchase your tickets… look at all of the great people who already did!
– Schwag continues to come in for door prizes. New additions include Craft apparel, Look mtb CX pedeals, CX DVDs, saddles, tyres, cable sets, CX apparel, and more. Let’s put it this way… everyone will probably want to bring a shopping bag… and if you’re a woman and placed within the top five of either the 1/2/3’s or the 4’s… you’re pretty much guaranteed some sort of prize.
– We’ve seen some screen shots of the ChiCrossPhoto coffee table books and they’re coming together nicely. Our local CX paparazzi will be taking orders at the banquet and may have some page samples too.
– For those closet roadies out there the organizers of the Glencoe Grand Prix put together a nice picture book as well. Check it out and order yours on blurb.
– Here in the states CX season is pretty much done, but there are a few races still to be had. Team Mack hosts the Tour de Groundhog near St. Louis Springfield on February 21st. Across the pond however the Euros are still going strong. Local Flemish/Dutch interpreter Ted Berger points us to www.Sproza.be and NathanSpear.com to watch all the action. In a nutshell, “Laatste roonde… are last lap videos. Verslag… are video summaries of the race.”
– And finally… due to several requests, at this Sunday’s party we’ll be making call-ups to the buffet line… categories and call-up order TBD…