Category: Racing

CCC Tuesday Updates – 20200114

January 14, 2020
  • Happy New Year!
  • Did you know we have an email address where you can directly reach the series all year long? Just drop us a note at chicagocrosscup at gmail dot com and we’ll get right back to you.
  • Please join us for the Series Awards Party at the Rapha Chicago Clubhouse at 7pm on Saturday February 1, 2020.
  • And finally… HOLY MOLY!!! The CCC’s very own Maria Larkin won the Irish National Championships over the weekend near her home county of Connacht. CX Magazine has more and a link to the race video. We can’t wait to see Maria flying the Irish national colors next season here in Chicagoland. CONGRATULATION MARIA!!!

Categories: Racing, Updates

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CCC Tuesday Updates – 20191203

December 3, 2019
  • We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend full of family, food, fun, and maybe even some bike riding!
  • For anyone who raced at Region Riot CX or care to know, results are here and our very own Kenny Labbe did a bit of tweeting with pic/vids during the event.
  • Next up, the finale, the big chimichanga, the extra hot double trente soy non-foam latte with extra foam on the side and three pumps of almond syrup… Montrose Beach CX – Midwest CX Champs. Not only is Montrose the last race of the CCC series, but this year it also doubles as the USAC Midwest Cyclocross Championships. See the BikeReg page for notes and “make a donation” for VIP parking. Full course preview notes will be posted Thursday at 9am.
  • PSA for those of you living under a mud-soaked rock for the past 12 months, Montrose is NOT the Illinois State CX Champs… those took place a month ago in Woodstock the day before Groundhog PSI-clocross.
  • And finally… if you’re already done all of your Christmas shopping or maybe not and you’re just feeling generous on this #GivingTuesday, please consider an extra donation to our series causes Blackstone Bicycle Works and West Town Bikes. Both of these organizations do amazing work getting and keeping kids and young adults on bikes and having fund. If you’ve ever seen these young shredders at the races you know how awesome it is to see them competing and enjoying the power of bicycles. Thanks!

Categories: Charity, News, Racing, Results, Updates

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CCC Tuesday Updates – 20191119

November 19, 2019
  • Another Sunday, another great Wheeling Heritage Park CX. Thanks again to the Northbrook Bicycle Club for hosting a chilly if fun event and to the Wheeling Parks District for allowing us to use their park.
  • Links to all series results, lap times, and are over here.
  • Next up, the CCC travels to Saint Charles for its one and only official double race weekend at the Pheasant Run Resort hosted by the South Chicago Wheelmen. This weekend has a SATURDAY and a SUNDAY BikeReg page, and one page does not reg you for both days. So please make sure to register for the correct (read: both) day or days. Online Reg on BikeReg closes on WEDNESDAY Thursday so the SCW can get ready for Saturday… So get on it! Look for the regular course preview on Thursday at 9am.
  • PRR has discounted room rates of $92 per night for this weekend. Call Pheasant Run at 630-584-6330 and use code “cyclocross” for the discount.
  • Looking ahead to Montrose Beach… Have a large team with a lot of stuff? Or just want a VIP experience? On the BikeReg registration page for the Montrose Beach event you can make a donation to access VIP parking within the Simonds Drive road closure. One vehicle per space suggested @ $50. Multiple spaces may be combined for trailers, etc … This donation helps offset the expenses associated with the race venue.
  • And finally… Our series sponsor ABUS Locks‘ sweepstakes to raffle off 3 of their Bordo locks, hand painted by the rad folks out in California at Squid Bikes, ends this Friday. Proceeds will benefit our friends at Blackstone Bicycle Works and West Town Bikes. All the details over here:

Categories: Equipment, News, Overall Standings, Photo, Racing, Results, Updates

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CCC Tuesday Updates – 20191112

November 12, 2019
  • Wow! What a weekend. A double weekend of State Championships and Groundhogs.
  • Wow! What a weekend. A double weekend of State Championships and Groundhogs.
  • Thanks to Keating Law Offices (also a series sponsor) for being the presenting sponsor of the Illinois State Cyclocross Championships in Woodstock, IL hosted by PSIMET Racing. The Illinois Cycling Association along with our amazing MC Kenny Labbe presented 23 state champ jerseys on a cold and windy buy sunny day. All results are posted on USA Cycling‘s website and IL State Champions are here on the CCC site.
  • Then we did it all again, but in reverse, on Sunday at the 7th round of the CCC at Groundhog PSI-clocross, also hosted by PSIMET Racing. For those following along at home this was the 3rd CX race hosted by PSIMET this year. Links to all series results, lap times, and are over here.
  • Mike Nauman was out again but is still recovering from the double weekend CX hangover. Mike has some photos from Sunday up here, but look for more from Saturday later in the week. Snowymountain was busy hosting racers state champions and catching up on sleep.
  • Next up, the CCC travels East to Wheeling for Wheeling Heritage Park CX hosted by the Northbrook Bicycle Club. Though this event has changed locations many times over the years, it was more or less the original CCC event way back when. Look for the normal course preview on Thursday morning.
  • Here’s another friendly reminder/PSA that you can train and workout all your want, but you’re not going to have a good race if you don’t take care of your bike(s)! Get them into your local bike shop for a clean and tune so you can race the best you can. We have many, many great local shops in the area, many of which are series sponsors, who are ready, willing, and able to keep your bike(s) in tip-top running shape.
  • And finally… we don’t really need to tell you its cold outside. But it is. Winter has come early to Chicagoland this year. Please, do what you have to do to stay warm and safe. Stay inside. Ride Zwift if you have to (GASP!!!), but be safe. We want to see all of you at the races, preferably without frostbite. See you all on Sunday!

Categories: Equipment, News, Overall Standings, Photo, Racing, Results, Updates

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CCC Tuesday Updates – 20191022

October 22, 2019
  • That was fun!! No rain, no real mud, clear blue sky, temperate temps, and racing at the location we planned. The Main St Bikes Sasquatch Squadron never disappoints and put together another great Carpentersville CX. And you all showed up (largest attendance so far this season) to put on the real show. Thanks and congratulations to everyone who raced, supported, officiated, scored, announced, cheered, spectated, or just showed up to see what this CX thing is all about.
  • Links to all results are here.
  • Photos by SnowyMountain Photography are here. Mike Nauman‘s photos are here.
  • REMEMBER if you upgrade this week (from your USA Cycling profile page) and want 1/2 your CCC series points to follow you to the next category, please contact us at ChicagoCrossCup at gmail by Thursday. We will NOT automatically transfer your points. See the rules/FAQ page here. Also if you have been winning or hitting the podium the first 4 weeks of the series in the Cat 4’s or Cat 3’s, it time to cat up.
  • Next up, the series travels to Bartlett for ABD Sunrise Park CX hosted by Athletes By Design. Check back on Thursday for the regularly scheduled preview or look here now.
  • If you can’t wait until Sunday, our friends up North of the border are hosting their race on Saturday at CrossFire in Sun Prairie. It’s their Halloween race (ours is next week at Campton), and they’ve been kind enough to create the Reg discount code “outofstate” for $10 off for Illinois folks heading north. Online reg closes at midnight on Wednesday.
  • If you didn’t see it on Twitter, CCC super-fan Jordan Morrell put together this handy GoogleMap of self service car washes near all the CCC series events (although he’ll need to add ILR x 3) to wash off your bike, clothes, shoes, dog, etc. Check it out, and thanks Jordan!
  • And finally… Series sponsor ABUS Locks has put together a sweepstakes to raffle off 3 of their sweet, sweet Bordo locks that have been hand painted by the rad folks out in California at Squid Bikes. Even better, the proceeds will benefit our friends at Blackstone Bicycle Works and West Town Bikes. Check it out, drop a few cash dollars and maybe win a fresh new lock. All the details over here:

Categories: News, Racing, Updates

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CCC Tuesday Updates – 2019108

October 8, 2019
  • Major thanks again to the entire Comrades Cycles crew for being flexible and hosting another great Hopkins Park CX, this time at Indian Lakes Hotel. Conditions were wet and soggy and grassy in the morning, but dried out as the day progressed, and the weather was absolutely cross-tastic! Congrats to everyone who raced and continues to make the CCC the Best Amateur CX Series in the Country.
  • Results and links are posted on the CCC Overall Series Standings GoogleSheet.
  • Still looking for pictures of yourself from the weekend? Check out both SnowyMountain Photography and Mike Nauman for great pics from Sunday. See also the pics post for other rider galleries and videos. Thanks to everyone who populates those posts with #content!
  • Next up, the Beverly Bike and Region Racing crews take us to stop #3 of the 2019 CCC at Pulaski Woods in Palos… for the first time ever. Although Palos has a deep history of cyclocross racing, and as Kenny likes to remind us every.single.week. the very first USA National Cyclo-cross Championships were held there in the 1960’s. We’re just as interested as you to find out what the new venue has in store for us.
  • Online pre-registration on BikeReg closes per usual at midnight on Thursday. Look for the course preview at 9am on Thursday morning. We’re also going to hold on to the previous #hashtag of #drwcx, just because.
  • As of right now there are no plans or expectations to change venues again (despite Internet Twitter rumors). That being said, there is rain in the Friday forecast, so check back here often, watch your inboxes for emails via BikeReg, and follow us on the Twitters for real time updates.
  • Does your bike need some love after 2 weekends of mud and wet? We know Tailwind Cycles and The Pony Shop have clean-up specials and we’re pretty sure any other local bike shop would be more than happy to help you out for a few dollars. Get those machines in to your LBS and cleaned up and ready to race again!
  • And finally… just a friendly reminder that everyone needs to check-in at every race, even ladies with series long bib numbers. Everyone also needs to check-in AT LEAST 30 minutes before their scheduled race start time, even if you pre-reg’d online. If you just show up to the start line without checking in you will NOT be staged properly and you will not be allowed to race. So please go see those nice folks volunteering at the Reg desk AT LEAST 30 minutes before you race.

Categories: News, Overall Standings, Racing, Results, Updates

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CCC Tuesday Updates – 2019101

October 1, 2019
  • Wow, what a day. Thanks to everyone who made it to Caldwell Woods Bunker Hill Indian Lakes Hotel/Resort. xXx Racing made the 11th hour effort to make the race happen and you all made some incredible efforts racing in the mud. So thank you and congrats to everyone!!
  • Full and official results are on and all the links you are looking for are on the Overall Series Scoring GoogleSheet, including CrossResults and LapTimes (provided by One2Go). Please bookmark this Sheet for future reference.
  • Looking for pictures of yourself on the Internet? Friends of the series SnowMountain Photography were out on Sunday to snap some great shots. Please consider making a purchase or at the very least give them credit if using their photos.
  • Next up, the series heads West to Dekalb for Comrade Cycles’ Hopkins Park. Look for the usual course preview details on Thursday.
  • Just a reminder to sign your online USAC waiver in BikeReg so you don’t have to fill out a full waiver on race day. We’ll be sending email reminders this week.
  • Speaking of emails, please, please, please make sure emails from BikeReg are making it past your spam filters. Just in case we have any last minute announcements again. And always check our homepage or Twitter feed, either directly or over there on the right side of the page for last minute updates.
  • And finally… here’s a friendly reminder from our One2GoResults crew… please pin your bib number correctly on the side of your jersey/skinsuit… NOT your back. See examples below. #31 is perfect, the others, not so much. The finish line camera is set up to read the side of your body, not your back. And when things get muddy like these did on Sunday, it becomes even more difficult to read underneath mud on your back. Also, please put any long hair up in a pony tail. The camera can’t read through hair either.

Categories: News, Overall Standings, Photo, Racing, Updates

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CCC Tuesday Updates – 20190924

September 24, 2019
  • Wow, the Trek CX Cup was full gas all weekend, and then the rains came on Sunday for race #2 of the World Cup. Congrats to everyone who raced, spectated, and managed to come home with less than four and a half gallons of peanut butter mud in their chamois.
  • Special thanks to Maria Larkin for again organizing the young ladies shredders clinic with Katie and Kaitlin.
  • So now that you’ve watched the best CX racers in the world tackle Iowa mountains and Wisconsin mud, now its our turn to have some fun! The Chicago Cyclocross Cup series officially kicks off this Sunday 9/29/19 at Caldwell Woods CX hosted by xXx Racing. Online registration will be open on until Thursday night, but why wait? Look for our usual course preview Thursday morning at 9am.
  • Speaking of online registration, you only have a few more days to take advantage of the 2019 CCC Season Pass. We’ll close this option at the same time as Caldwell Woods reg, because why would you sign up for past events? Remember however you can pick and choose races and you don’t have to sign up for all races in the series at once.
  • Speaking of BikeReg, there’s a little check box at the end of the registration process where you can agree to and initial the USAC online registration waiver. By doing so you won’t need to sign a physical piece of paper at the venue on race day. This is a great feature, new this year, and one we highly encourage. If you can’t remember if you signed the waiver, or if you used the Season Pass (sorry, no way around this) don’t worry, we’ll be sending out emails with links to the waivers (the week before each event) from BikeReg asking you to do so. So please make sure BikeReg emails are not getting caught up in your spam folder.
  • And finally… here’s your friendly annual reminder that we’re all out at these cyclo-cross races to have fun and spend some precious time with our friends, families, teammates, and fellow competitors… before the awful Chicago winter fully sets in. So while yes, we want everyone to be competitive, let’s remember to be excellent to each other and have a great time. See you all on Sunday!

Categories: News, Photo, Racing, Updates

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CCC Tuesday Updates – 20190917

September 17, 2019
  • We were watching the results from Jingle Cross and there were more than a few CCC’ers who had some good results. See them all here. We also saw a bunch of Chicagoland natives in the background of the World Cup live stream. Congrats to everyone who traveled, raced, and represented the CCC well in Iowa.
  • Up next, the cyclo-cross heads to Wisconsin, specifically Waterloo and the Trek CX Cup World Cup. This one is a little closer to home and now with one race weekend in the books, the racing should be even more racey spicey! Good luck to everyone heading North to race at Trek!
  • … and then… the 2019 Chicago Cyclocross Cup officially kicks off at Caldwell Woods on Sunday 9/29/2019 hosted by xXx Racing. Reg is over on and we can’t wait to see everyone there.
  • The rest of the 2019 series is also up on including the Season Pass.
  • Lots of changes this year, so please take a few minutes to look back at our posts here over the last few weeks so you know what’s going on. Still have questions? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’d be happy to answer them for you.
  • And finally… Chicago Magazine was kind enough to write an article about us. Check it out. Thanks Maria Larkin and Rory Jack for their comments and Cindy at Chicago Magazine for writing the article!

Categories: Racing, Results, UCI, Updates

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CCC Tuesday Updates – 20190305

March 5, 2019
  • Quick update for anyone looking to get a head start on the 2019 season, or still holding on a little too tightly to the 2018 season.
  • We’ll be hibernating in the CCC evile lair until at least May, but our friends out in Rockford are already out of their dens and getting after it, hosting their Spring CX series again. Check out info, dates, etc. below and on the newly updated and give their races a try if you’re so inclined.
Screw City Cyclocross Classic – Sunday, March 24, 2019
Atwood Park. Map at
Return to the Hills Cross Race – Saturday, Apr 6, 2019
Alpine Hills Adventure Park. Map at
Another Dam Cross Race – Saturday, April 20, 2019
Reuben Aldeen Park Dam. Map at

Categories: Racing, Updates

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