2015 Caldwell Woods Preview
UPDATE 3 – 9/19/2015 at 4:30pm
The rains have passed and a new course has emerged at LaBagh Woods. The situation is improving by the minute and we are all systems go for racing tomorrow at LaBagh Woods. See the tentative course map below. A bunch of the turns will be different, but reg, staging, the finish, and the equipment pit will not change. Enter the park from Cicero Ave. Parking is a little tight and the park road is small, so please drive slowly and be excellent to each other. Also, you’d never know it from Caldwell, but LaBagh is actually dry right now. Don’t just bring your mud tyres. Seriously, its flat and dry. See you all tomorrow! #CXishere
UPDATE 2 – 9/18/2015 at 4:46pm
We’re on the move, quite literally. The Chicago Parks District and Forest Preserve have decided there is too much standing water in Caldwell Woods for our event. But fear not, our fantastic xXx Racing race director and team have been on the phones all afternoon and secured another venue just down the street at LaBagh Woods. Some of you will remember LaBagh woods as the location of xXx’s Wednesday evening practice crits this summer. More details to come over the next 24 hours and we’ll be sending out an email via BikeReg, but please let everyone know the event is still on. All details below are still valid besides the course map (obviously). Also, given the conditions please DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PRERIDE THE COURSE. Doing so could materially impact xXx Racing’s ability to secure a venue in the future. Thanks!
UPDATE 1 – 9/18/2015:
There is a fair amount of standing water in Caldwell Woods as it is in the floodplain of the North Branch River. xXx Racing and the CCC are working together with the Chicago Parks District and Forest Preserve to reroute the course around sensitive areas and be good stewards of the park. Stay tuned here and on Twitter for details. The situation is fluid (pun intended) and xXx Racing will communicate changes concerning the event through email before Sunday. To be clear as mud (again with the puns…) the course map below will almost certainly change by Sunday.
- Alrighty then… #CXisComing is finally turning into #CXisHere in Chicago… the 2015 Chicago Cyclocross Cup kicks off at Caldwell Woods hosted by xXx Racing-Athletico.
- Live results by One2Go_Results will be here: http://www.livelynxresults.com/ Watch races scored in real time!
- Online pre-reg on BikeReg closes tonight, so get to it.
- On site number pick up and Day-Of Registration will be in picnic pavilion near start finish line. Remember reg closes 30 minutes before the schedule start time of each category.
- The CCC has returned to the old Tyvek bib numbers, but our officials and One2Go remind everyone to please not fold or crumple your numbers. If you do you risk not being scored. Numbers on your LEFT side (not your back!) .
- Staging for the first race of the series is 100% by CrossResults.com ranking. See here for preliminary staging and if you believe your CXR points to be incorrect please contact CrossResults. Also, please check the discrepancies page. If you name is on this page you need to either edit your BikeReg registration (and profile), renew you annual USAC license, etc. Wait list orders are here. All of these lists will be updated again with final reg data no later than Thursday evening.
- Results will be posted as soon as possible on the CCC’s 4 sided results board and for all pre-reg’d riders with correct/valid email address in their BikeReg rider profiles results will be emailed to you shortly after you finish. Also, One2Go will have its LiveLynx site updated in real time. Full results will be posted on USAC online Sunday night and series standings will be updated shortly afterward. This is the first race, so series standings are the same as the first 30 finishers.
- The standard 2015 CCC Payout Schedule is here.
- Porta-potties will be located in the small parking lot nearest Devon and Milwaukee adjacent to registration.
- Teams can set up tents anywhere, but xXx Racing recommends doing so in the field North of the reg pavilion for viewing the finish line or the field to the North East for viewing the hill.
- Main parking will be at Aquatic Center with pedestrian/racer access to course along north side of Devon Ave.
- The equipment pits will be double sided.
- Chicago Pizza Boss will again be in attendance and serving up fresh, hot, pies.
- Additional info over here on the static preview page.
- Remember to use the hashtag #CaldwellCX so everyone at home or in other parts of the country can follow along.
- The course. See above, we’re moving to LaBagh Woods so the course is TBD for as of Friday night
xXx Racing has made a few improvements from last year including a smoothed out start, slightly shorter length, and double sidedequipment pits (of course staffed by SRAM NRS). New tentative course is below. Reg, staging grid, finish line, and pit are all on the SW corner of the park.
Categories: Course Preview
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